seperti biasa, mengisi waktu luang tanpa bengong, akhirnya buka page murasaki no bara no yume , seperti sebelumnya chapter 31 ini tanpa menampilkan Masumi Hayami :( yang masih ngeksis si Ayumi dan Hamilton ( fotografer yg naksir sm Ayumi Himekawa). Sayangnya betsuhana edisi Bidadari Merah bersambungnya masih lama lagi yaitu waktu Musim Gugur nanti.
It's night in the apartment of Ayumi. It's raining and she's focused on the flame of a candle and thinking "if I move the air that is blowing ...
The fire of the four elements of the Scarlet Goddess, the air...If the Scarlet Goddess moves even the natural world (the elements) move!" So Ayumi begins to grasp that her Scarlet Goddess so far had not caught the movement of the spirits ... and ... thinks that she has to understand it at all costs.
The scene changes to Rei who is in her apartment in pajamas and talking to Sayaka, and Maya is still at the rehearsals. Rei talks about the fact that it is difficult to live with Maya at the moment as she is different (in the sense that she seems to speak to Akoya and not to Maya). She then wonders if this time Maya will manage to do it.
Switching to Maya who is exercising in the rehearsal room to express the change from Akoya to the spirit of plum tree. She's exercising like crazy because she thinks that she is rigid and that she cannot compete with Ayumi (in practice the summary of what was said before).
Maya's aware that she didn't have enough grace with her Goddess move, so hopefully she seeks for professional help. Hijiri told to Masumi about Maya's problem with her Goddess movements. Masumi overheard Maya worrying about her Goddess movements on the rehearsals place. Masumi sent her to see the Indian dancer so that Maya can learn to lighten her body and move more quietly.
We move to the next morning at the rehearsals of the company where Ayumi is out in the garden and steps into a puddle and it ripples, at which point Ayumi realizes the "moving water" and thinks that "if I move the whole world moves!" Ayumi finally seems to have understood something. She goes away before the rest of the cast and returns to her home. She's in her room with a lighted candle in the dark and here again it is more of the same "if I move, the focus moves." In short, it seems that ayumi is grasping something but apparently there is lightning or thunder and Ayumi.
accidentally at this point drops the candle without realizing and immediately a fire starts around her yet our fearless wonder woman is sitting there trying to grasp the Crimson Goddess and finally seems to understand it.
From outside Hamil, reluctant to leave the apartment, walks near the entrance and at that very moment the fire alarm sounds and he runs into ayumi's room together with the guardian and finds Ayumi/Scarlet Angel surrounded by flames.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Garassu no Kamen Chapter 31
Label: Betsuhana, Bidadari Merah, Garasu No kamen
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 1:19 PM 1 komentar
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Rejung dibahasa Indonesia artinya pantun yang biasanya (dahulu) dibawakan di acara - acara pernikahan.
Seperti :
Andun bejudi siantan andun bejudi
minjam tukul minjam landasan
minjam pulo rintian taji
diulak muaro ngalam
Gendang tecebur di Bengkulu
Baru tadi kami sampai baru tadi
Minjam dusun minjam laman
minjam tepian jalan mandi
Numpang tunak tari semalam
Batak kemambak hati rindu
Alngkah indah gadis di Tanjung
Nanam kerakap di cerebung
Ghumbai tejemugh di jeghami
Anak burung bereba
Mandi ke tengah ghantau Musi
Ku tanggungkan segalo aso kutanggungkan
Aghi akap selindang rembun
Panas betudung matoaghi
Hati kusut mengarang pintau
Sukagh ngulang usai mbak dulu
Bumbun akagh nebang kayu bumbun akagh
Ndun sekendun jawai tinggi
Burung keling midang ke jangku
Hinggap ke laman maro bero
Rindu mencakagh lah lamo rindu mencakagh
Cakaghi kudung rimbang aghi
Lantar kuning mbak mano aku
Mandangkan usai bepenano
Pandai begelang cak lelo pandai begelang
Begelang beputu pulo
Sumbang abang cincin kemelip
Tanggai berisi gading bungo
Di kayu aro lang betenggu di kayu aro
Beringin di empang pulut lintang sukaghlah badan merindu io
Lading kuning tiang seketing lading kuning
Bataklah midang ke berugo
Pesan kepado cincin lilit
Bataklah midang ke betani
Biring kuning ku apokan biring kuning
kukuak sedundun ngulang nyawo
kini diingun radin alit
Payahlah badan merindu oii
Obat luat takil kelempang obat luat
Takut burung merba mandi
Burung berba mandi jugo
Terulok ampaian tudung betapo ulagh lidi
Apo buat sarak berkudung apo buat
Takut burung berubah hati
Burung berubah hati jugo
Janganlah nyimpang ke lain, kurang perujung nian kami
Bedil repati meletup bedil repati
Simbat meriam apit awal
Riau siamang diulak tebat
Anyit ati ruoio bae lumat ati
Padang serupo jinak lalatan
Terbang mengisir awan putiah
Kantur baru Bengkulu bekantur baru
Tiang rumas kemudi besi, perangkan lipai semat kerap
Tugalkan padi bawah bulua
Budi si anu kami la tau budi si anu
Karap belum beghani mati cukut belum beghani ilang
kalau di mulo iluak ka ngaghap dalam ati betulak jaua
Pandan besisir gemulunglah daun pandan besisir
Sangkan gemulung suli jadi
Aur ditanam tumbuah betung
Benintinglah ayam mamak depati
Bulan abis tauh bekesir
Unli menunggu kato sepatah
Kalau mbak samo ngedingkannyo
Keghing laut buliah dinanti.
Cited from
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 2:42 AM 0 komentar
Tari Adat Serawai
- Acara pernikahan atau Bimbang Balai
- Acara khitanan anak atau mencukur rambut anak yang baru lahir.
- Acara untuk menyambut tamu yang datang dari jauh, hal ini dilakukan sebagai penghormatan bagi tamu tersebut.
- Acara pada perayaan hari besar,
- Tari kelipa pengantin pria, inang dan kawan-kawan batin mudo, batin setengah tuo menari bersamaan dan mereka tidak memakai pakaian pengantin. Tari kelipah ini berkeliling sebanyak tujuh kali tidak memakai kipas dan tidak melantunkan pantun (rejung) tetapi hormat kepada pemegang adat tetap dilakukan.
- Tari kelipa pengantin perempuan, inang serta kawan-kawan gadis kerbai mudo, kerebai setengah tuo menari bersamaan dan mereka tidak memakai pakaian pengantin. Tari kelipah ini berkeliling sebanyak tujuh kali tidak memakai kipas dan tidak melantunkan pantun (rejung) tetapi hormat kepada pemegang adat tetap dilakukan.
- Untuk gadis, langkah tidak boleh diangkat, kedua tangan diangkat sedikit, kipas dipegang dan telapak tangan dibuka dan digerak-gerakan.
- Untuk bujang, kipas dimasukan ke dalam saku baju. Gadis dan bujang tariannya sama. Setelah berkeliling sambil menari dan beerhadap-hadapan, bujang dan gadis harus memutar membelakangi secara bersama-sama dan berhadap – hadapan dan sama-sama saling memberikan rindingan, setelah kurang lebih sepuluh menit kipas dibuka (mengipas) sama seperti mengipas pada saat berhadap-hadapan yang sama-sama dihadapkan ke wajah. Pada saat mengipas tangan kiri ditekankan ke pingang, tangan kanan memegang kipas yang dihadapkan ke wajah, lamahnya lebih kurang sepuluh menit. Apa bila kipas dikuncupkan maka tarian tersebut bertanda akan berhenti dan diteruskan dengan pantun (rejung) saling berbalas-balasan antara gadis dan bujang.
Source :
ShareDiposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 2:10 AM 0 komentar
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Hang Tuah
Label: Hang Tuah
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 10:28 PM 0 komentar
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Seroja dan Seruni adalah nama - nama bunga yang sering disebut - sebut dalam syair - syair dan pantun melayu. Saya mengenal kata "Seroja" dari sebuah lagu melayu, tetapi saya belum tau wujud bunga seroja. Lirik lagu "Bunga Seroja" Cipt Said Effendi
Mari menyusun seroja
Bunga seroja ah… ah…
Hiasan sanggul remaja
Puteri remaja ah… ah…
Rupa yang elok
Dimanja jangan dimanja ah… ah…
Puja lah ia oh saja
Sekadar sajaReff:
Mengapa kau bermenung
Oh adik berhati bingung
Mengapa kau bermenung
Oh adik berhati bingung
Janganlah engkau percaya dengan asmara ..
Janganlah engkau percaya dengan asmara ..
Sekarang bukan bermenung, zaman bermenung ..
Sekarang bukan bermenung, zaman bermenung ..
Mari bersama, oh adik memetik bunga ..
Mari bersama, oh adik memetik bunga ..
Mari menyusun seroja
Bunga seroja ah… ah…
Hiasan sanggul remaja
Puteri remaja
Rupa yang elok
Dimanja jangan dimanja ah… ah…
Puja lah ia oh saja
Sekadar sajapertama kali saya dengar lagu ini dinyanyikan oleh Iis Dahlia yang kemudian disinetronkan yang tayang di TPI, lupa tahun berapa, sekitar tahun 90-an. Lagu juga ini dippulerkan lewat film Laskar Pelangi yang dinyanyikan oleh tokoh Mahar. Pantun :
Bunga seruni si bunga seroja
Dipetik dipinggir rawa
Mari sholat dulu kita berjamaah
Semoga hidup kita jadi berkahBegitu pun bunga Seruni, walaupun saya 4 tahun tinggal di Jl. Seruni dan kuliah S1 dan S2 di universitas dengan lambang bunga seruni, tapi saya belum tau bentuk asli bunga Seruni.
Bunga Seruni merupakan salah satu unsur (sebut saja seperti itu) pada lambang Universitas Sriwijaya yang melambangkan bahwa "Bunga Seruni sebagai lambang yang paling tua ditemukan dalam sejarah Sriwijaya. Pada lambang digambarkan mahkota bunga (corolla) dari bunga yang terpilin (marginal flower), berjumlah 31, berwarna kuning emas yang terpilin. Jumlah 31 melambangkan tanggal lahir Unsri pada tanggal 31 Oktober 1960 dan warna kuning emas melambangkan keagungan Sriwijaya. Mahkota bunga yang terpilin ke kanan yang mengakibatkan ujung kelopaknya mengarah ke kiri dimaksudkan bahwa Universitas ini berjalan seirama dengan perputaran jaman." Karena belum mengetahui wujud asli kedua bunga tersebut maka saya tergelitik untuk mencari informasi dengan cara googling seperti biasa :)
SEROJASeroja atau lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) adalah spesies tumbuhan air tahunan dari genus Nelumbo yang berasal dari India. Di Indonesia tanaman ini sering kali disebut teratai (Nymphaea) walaupun sebenarnya keduanya tidak berkerabat. Seroja memiliki tangkai bunga tegak dan bunganya tidak mengapung di permukaan air,sebagaimana pada teratai. Seroja pernah dikenal dengan nama binomial Nelumbium speciosum (Willd) atau Nymphaea nelumbo.
Tangkai berbentuk tabung yang kosong di tengahnya untuk jalan lewat udara. Daun terdapat di permukaan air, keluar dari tangkai yang berasal dari rimpang yang berada di dalam lumpur pada dasar kolam, sungai, atau rawa. Tinggi tanaman sekitar satu meter hingga satu setengah meter. Daun tumbuh ke atas, tinggi di atas permukaan air.
Daun berbentuk bundaran penuh tanpa potongan, bergelombang di bagian tepi, dengan urat daun berkumpul ke tengah daun. Diameter daun dapat mencapai 60 cm. Permukaan daun mengandung lapisan lilin sehingga air yang jatuh ke permukaan daun membentuk butiran air. Bunga dengan diameter sampai 20 cm. berwarna putih bersih, kuning atau merah jambu, keluar dari tangkai yang kuat menjulang di atas permukaan air. Bunga mekar di bulan Juli hingga Agustus.
Ada beberapa kultivar seroja dengan bentuk dan warna bunga yang beragam. Lotus (genus Nelumbo) merupakan lambang negara India. Bunga Seroja indah dipandang sehingga banyak digunakan sebagai penghias kolam di taman-taman.
Rimpangnya enak dimakan dan banyak digunakan dalam masakan Jepang, masakan Tionghoa, dan masakan India. Rimpang yang dimakan mentah dapat menjadi sumber penularan parasit Trematoda. Biji kaya dengan tepung sehingga bisa dimakan atau diolah menjadi bahan makanan. Biji yang direbus, dihaluskan dan dicampur gula menjadi isi Kue bulan yang dimakan pada Festival Pertengahan Musim Gugur (Mooncake festival). Di Tiongkok, biji yang masih muda diminum sebagai pengganti teh. Bongkol yang berlubang-lubang seperti sarang lebah dijual dalam bentuk kering sebagai pelengkap dalam seni merangkai bunga kering. Daunnya lebar sehingga sering digunakan sebagai pembungkus, terutama pembungkus ikan di pasar tradisional sebelum penggunaan kantong plastik menjadi populer.
Tanaman dapat berkembang biak dari biji yang sudah tua atau rimpang. Seroja dapat ditanam di pot berisi tanah berlumpur yang berair. Di zaman Mesir kuno, seroja dijumpai tumbuh bersama-sama dengan Teratai spesies Nymphaea caerulea di pinggiran sungai Nil. Bangsa Mesir zaman Firaun sangat memuliakan seroja, sehingga bunga, buah, dan daun kelopak dijadikan motif dalam arsitektur kuil. Dari Mesir, seroja dibawa ke Assiria dan menyebar ke Persia, India, dan Tiongkok. Pada tahun 1787, Sir Joseph Banks membawa seroja ke Eropa Barat untuk ditanam di dalam rumah kaca di kebun raya.
SERUNIBunga seruni, krisan, atau krisantemum adalah sejenis tumbuhan berbunga yang sering ditanam sebagai tanaman hias pekarangan atau bunga petik. Tumbuhan berbunga ini mulai muncul pada zaman Kapur. Bunga seruni adalah bagian dari tumbuhan suku kenikir-kenikiran atau Asteraceae yang mencakup bermacam-macam jenis Chrysanthemum.
Bunga nasional Jepang ini dalam bahasa Jepang disebut sebagai ã‚ク (kiku). Karena aromanya yang wangi , bunga ini sering di tambahkan ke dalam teh agar lebih wangi dan nikmat. Bunga seruni dijadikan sebagai bunga kelahiran bulan November (sama halnya dengan batu topaz) dan menurut ilmu feng shui (bagi yg percaya feng shui y ... klo gak percaya abaikan saja ... yang pasti semua sudah ditulis oleh Sang Pencipta jd tidak ada yang akan tertukar ;) ...) bunga seruni atau krisan ini dapat membawa kebahagiaan dan tawa di dalam keluarga.
Bunga krisan juga mempunyai arti keceriaan, pesona, optimis, kelimpahan, keberuntungan, persahabatan dan cinta rahasia. Bunga krisantemum atau bunga seruni amat berkaitan dengan bunga daisy. Dalam bahasa Yunani arti krisanthemum adalah bunga emas, dan jenis bunga krisanthemum yang tertua adalah bunga krisanthemum Cina yang bentuknya mirip dengan bunga daisy di Cina juga. Bunga krisanthemum Cina tersebut telah dikultivasikan sekitar 2,500 tahun sebelum diperkenalkan ke Eropa dan sekarang bunga seruni ini telah banyak ditanam di negara Barat dan Eropa bahkan bunga krisan ini diangkat menjadi bunga nasional negara Jepang.
Tinggi tanaman krisanthemum ini bisa mencapai 2 sampai 6 inci (5-180 cm). Warnanyapun bervariasi seperti merah-muda, oranye, merah, merah gelap, dan kuning. Sebagai bunga potong bunga seruni ini bisa bertahan sampai lebih dari 2 minggu. Seperti yang kita ketahui di Indonesia dan di negara negara tertentu di Asia bunga krisanthemum ini sering dicampur dengan air panas untuk diminum dan dipercayai bisa menyembuhkan demam, sakit tenggorokan dan influenza, dan minuman ini dikenal dengan nama “chrysanthemum tea” atau “teh kembang” kalau di Indonesia. Tapi saya orang yang tidak menyukai Teh ini :D
Bunga krisanthemum atau disebut juga dengan julukan bunga musim gugur ini juga mengandung pyrenthrum suatu zat yang bisa membantu mengusir berbagai kutu dan sejenis hama lainnya, bunga seruni juga dapat membantu melancarkan peredaran darah dan urat nadi. Karena penasaran dengan si Seruni ini makanya saya ketemu dengan website yang membahas tentang bunga seruni dengan bahasa yang begitu indah, seperti:
Bunga seruni tidak seindah dan semenarik seperti bunga-bunga lain, juga tidak memiliki bau wangi yang bisa membuat orang mabuk kepayang. Dia selalu tumbuh dalam terpaan angin dan hujan yang dingin, diam-diam menanggung kesendirian dan kesepian di dalam dunia ini.Senantiasa mempertahankan keacuhan dan kehambarannya yang khas.
Namun, kehambarannya justru memiliki kekhasan, rupa dan kecantikan tersendiri, yang dapat disejajarkan dengan anggrek, bunga persik dan bambu. Dimana keempatnya dikenal sebagai ‘empat budiman’ dalam jajaran tanaman.Dia adalah bunga yang rupawan dan cantik, menantang salju dan embun es. Berdiri sendiri dalam udara dingin musim gugur. Watak bunga seruni yang tidak takut dengan dingin ini membuat semua orang mengaguminya. Saat mengamati bunga seruni, nampak bagaikan seorang petapa diantara bunga jenis yang lain.
Di saat musim semi hampir berakhir, maka puluhan ribu bunga-bunga yang lain akan berguguran dan layu, hanya bunga seruni yang diam-diam tumbuh di ladang rumah penduduk desa, di pagar-pagar kayu dan bambu. Beberapa bayangan bunganya di atas tembok sedang beradu kecantikan dengan embun es.
Dalam tiupan angin yang dingin menusuk tulang di musim gugur, kita dapat merasakan ketidak peduliannya terhadap kondisi sekelilingnya yang kurang menguntungkan, ia hidup dalam kehambaran. Bentuk bunganya yang sangat indah, dengan corak warnanya yang cantik, anggun mulia dan tiada bernoda, sejak dulu dipandang sebagai lambang dari watak yang jujur dan agung, serta anggun dan suci.
waduuh #tepokjidat klo tau gini, kedua bunga ini dah sering saya temui :D tapi yaa begitu namanya yang berlaku sekarang bukan nama aslinya padahal nama aslinya jauh lebih indah :)
Source :
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Thursday, May 3, 2012
Garassu No Kamen Chapter 30 (Betsuhana Vol 49)
karena di kantor masih nyantai dan untuk mengisi waktu yang kosong daripada ngantuk di kantor plus lagi sendiri di kantor ... akhirnya kita ngubek2 oom google utk nyari tentang Maya dan Masumi yg ter-update, tapi sayangnya cerita update kali ini si yayang Masumi Hayami gak nongol. Tapi paling tidak tahu donk kelanjutan cerita si Topeng Kaca. news update ini di dapat dari spoler summary agan2 di murasaki no yume. Naah nii dia exsum nya y . ===================================================================================== It begins with Ayumi and Hamil. Ayumi’s maid is worried because the night before Ayumi returned home very late with Hamil. Ayumi realizes that certainly what happened with Hamil and their recent "closeness" will make the rounds of the newspapers. The next day, Maya is on her way to the station when she happened to hear a conversation between a young couple, however, realizes that perceive their emotions are different from normal, Maya began to live as Akoya and everything he sees, feels, is treated as Akoya. During the tests both companies are on the same piece, a scene where Maya and Ayumi must recite jokes are very difficult to beat on .. hear and feel what's around even when things do not have a name. As Ayumi tries, she fails to understand the jokes like the rest of the actors ... and Ayumi think that she is absolutely unable to interpret the Goddess. Instead, Maya, reciting those lines immediately understand what they say and say them perfectly, as Maya in the end, is living as Akoya. At the end of rehearsals, Kuronuma realizes that Sakurakouji is still very cold towards Maya and asks him the reason. The boy then explained that after the accident he realized how important the theater is to him and he now sees Maya as a great rival. It's night time, Ayumi is being taken back home by Hamil when, before getting into the car his keys fall and he cannot find them. However Ayumi, only by the sound the keys made, told him where they fell. Then when he uses his lighter for light, she remembers the tests done with many candles and suddenly finally understands the meaning of the lines that she had so many problems to play that day. A bit more on Kuronuma and Sakurakoji: Kuronuma notices Sakurakoji’s distance towards Maya and tries to investigate. He starts off by asking Sakurakoji "how's your leg" and then asks him what happened with Kitajima and that he notices that for a while the atmosphere between them has changed. Sakurakoji says that after the accident he realized how much he loves the theater and how important it is for him and how he does not want to get beaten by Maya once on the stage. He says that prior to being friends, they are rivals. Kuronuma does not believe much but tells him to enjoy the play. He mentions something about everyone wanting to start over from square one now that they’ve seen the location chosen by Tsukikage sensei.
ShareLabel: Betsuhana, Bidadari Merah, Garasu No kamen, GNK, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 4:16 PM 3 komentar
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Garasu No Kamen 48 Review
nemu review dari orang yg dah baca vol 48 di forum ini
Therefore, the two groups are brought to the place where there will be a representation. In fact this place was formerly a station that has been torn down and then be re-built. Besides the two groups have only 1 day to rehearse there.
The person who has decided this is just Tsukikage sensei, he just wished that there was nothing to this representation. No stage, no nothing. Explain that later they will understand just why he opted for that choice.
Asked what they think the two actresses, Ayumi replied that there is no problem you can interpret the Goddess everywhere, Maya says that this place reminds her of a place where he played as a child to .... like our "do it ... " imagining random things and think it's very interesting.
All reporters are surprised by the stories of Maya Ayumi mind is a bit 'bored by her.
Ayumi while all agree that it serves a handshake between the two actresses is concerned that at the time someone notices that his hand is uncertain (because we do not see it) and then refuses to give her a hand and acts as if he wrote the challenge of a sheet and then to launch her without giving her his hand
At the end of everything, Ayumi is or being alone is removed from the others, feel the wind on her face (I'm still in this former train station) and thinks it looks like the wind is in the valley of plum trees.
Meanwhile Maya continues to tell Kuronuma played as a child to this "do it .." Sakurakouji and points out that is exactly what they should do, to work the imagination to play there ...
Cut to Masumi, in this period goes every morning to find Shiori, which seems to be much improved, the appetite has returned, even if it is not restored to 100% devices, because he understood that there is no place for her in the heart of Masumi.
Shiori's father tries to convince Masumi in all ways to become their successor to do the same for Shiori but he flatly refuses.
Eisuke, learned that Masumi has twice rejected the proposal of Shiori's father, begins to suspect that Masumi is interested in someone and instructs Mizuki, who is always around Masumi, to make inquiries on his own.
Mizuki, who knows who cares to Masumi, Eisuke answers "And so what if it was just going to do?" And he says, "The destroy!"
At that moment, Masumi is in the car and the driver if the request was to bring him home, Masumi says no, and orders him to take him to the hotel.
Reaffirms once again (I think to himself) that no longer follow the orders of his father and swears that for the first time in his life, will oppose him ...
Label: Garasu No kamen 48, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 11:40 PM 0 komentar
Garasu No Kamen 48 (Version 3)
Naah nambah lagi nemu satu blog lagi, sama dengan sebelumnya menggunakan google translator jadi bisa dilihat englishnya kacau balau ... karena males ngedit susunan kalimatnya lagi jadi mari kita nikmati kecau balauan ini yang penting bisa dimengerti ... ada joke yang beredar yaitu "english salah paham", artinya english yg grammarnya salah tapi bisa dipahami ... :p
The following was all alone with theater · ·
Saru Categories restless and fixes this time. Magazine, and I think after the order had changed.
Oh's case epi purple to bring together the last before the practice of Ayumi
Glass Mask Volume 48
(With spoiler) impressions & Synopsis
· Ayumi Onodera and begin to act before the red-eye
Red-eye seems to participate in the play without being affected by Ayumi and atmosphere is different now.
Kazuma will pick up in the night scene Ako throw it a set of chisel
Utako is to put out the lights on the studio to try Ayumi
Ayumi is in the dark, gather all beautiful. So the end acting
Utako hear the impressions of the performance of Ayumi. Two people praise and became mystical, Utako confides the fact that the eyes of Ayumi.
Onodera was shocked, but the road there is only a spear through ·
· Training of Sakurakoji
Maya and Sakurakoji Sakurakoji by injury, growth can be seen to acting.
Of love of two people acting Kuronuma, however,
If there is a problem with the idea Sakurakoji · ·
-Maya I think each and Masumi
Maya looked up at the night sky at the end practice
. ~ ~ Want to go to villa of Izu as soon as possible. A missy you want to see Mr Hayami soon. "I want to meet
(Laughs) I'll be waiting Sakurakoji believe you "have seen it in the shadows
Cancel out the instructions of an expression in the villa of Izu phone Masumi, to Mizuki
Management people said to be astonished "Do not dreary here? Why do not you also decorated with flowers now" with the president (laughs)
"I want to greet you here in the form of called Maya. You. Maya has been trying to change something to worry about I'm in the room for the first time. Of someone. Waiting for me"
· History and Michal
Ayumi acting to increase the depth at the lack of sight.
But in practice
Did not notice the lack the ability to concentrate ax moment, is Swung.
Hamill has had a look at how that feel uncomfortable.
They noticed that the eyes can not see and Ayumi. Ayumi, but ask for a silent · ·
What attracted to Ayumi why? Loss to Hamill's feelings
Visit to the practice room to be alone is Ayumi.
Hamill anxious to whether it can be acting well, in order to convince the Atana
In the dark, find out the whereabouts of Hamill that turn off the light. Ayumi Hamill came to the original and beautifully.
The History of the smile was seen in a lighter, Hamill would have admired.
Disturbing shadows around Ayumi · ·
Hamill, but get out of trouble in the wit of Barre is going to be that the eyes of Ayumi by reporters.
They sow the reporters by pretending to be dating.
Ayumi and hear what help me why.
Have seen your smile
Hamill says it does not matter if you and become scandal
Please tell me someday the Japanese je t'aime
Ayumi confused
I did it to put out the fire this? The beauty of the moment that have been raised in the darkness hides unpleasant or surprised because I wanted to boil up feeling hot in my chest? Or because at that time why I was surprised last night ( As I kept in my heart to this eye thing I wanted to eternal
I came to Japan I je t'aime fairy dark eyes may have had to meet you)
· Kuronuma hear to talk to Maya Maya look Sakurakoji subtly avoided.
Kuronuma heard that when the scent from the Maya, we went to return the check, and there was something between Mr. Hayami.
Masumi and purple-disengagement of the organization
Oh go to see Masumi Murasaki
I (will become honest with you the first time, trying to show good faith true to you, also because it does not unfortunately you any more, I lie to you, this that and, for you only one but I will try to protect the kid for, even if what Maya)
Oh, and purple confession to a man of his purple roses
Want to reconsider the marriage and tell.
Tissue is crushed to powder room is purple.
In the glass the wrist in despair ·
Eisuke Hayami and Miya blamed from Okina Kyutei hawk hawk.
As insane
"I hate like Masumi wood-nephew flying on the wind it might as well be dead everyone hates purple roses Watakushi" Look pluck a rose woven purple and muttering, Hayami also shocked .
Our visit to the Maya and Ayumi, our demonstration site.
Rough set eyes on the venue, Maya inflated expectations
Ayumi was feeling the anxiety.
Two people attend a press conference
Ayumi do not want to be noticed that there is no visible Maya ·
Volume 48 was the turn of Hamill & Ayumi personally can not have too much interest.
Mr. Hamill was finally remember the name now.
Or faint or because it was Michal's Harumi much. Je t'aime is to smile.
On the other hand Mr. Hayami, Maya and
I have to worry about that either choice was the villa of Izu pot
President tries to decorate the flower comes to mind that the villa is cute but Maya
I also think now is not the time to just say Izu, Izu or
Disengagement of purple woven-ku, Masumi
Hayami's monologue in the last meet purple woven
I will try to protect you even if what the Maya ← this was good.
I ← This is strange for (Maya) for that child (your purple) You lie to you just one. Masumi that Maya is only fan says it's spring. Purple woven eventually mean Masumi did not trust the word of the Well. Oh and in a position of painful purple. Mr. Hayami I was speaking in good faith to purple to own Oh but Mr. Hayami,
Oh purple epi unpublished in this complex is the place where not even know because it is not been cornered feeling of purple Oh I hated. Are you satisfied with the overall feel is understandable but
Label: Betsuhana, Bidadari Merah, Garasu No kamen, Glass mask, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 11:30 PM 0 komentar
Garasu No Kamen 48 (Version 2)
Naah yang ini versi ke dua nya dari hasil dari google translator :D
Studio 21. In dim studio, acting Ayumi begins.
Utako watch the mother. And red-eye and Onodera.
Along the rope from a high place, Ayumi landed on the floor.
Discard the fin from the figure of God, makes us feel even awe, at night Ako village girl.
Ayumi, hazy visibility. Landscape of the Valley of the plum is overlap in the studio. .
"What I do not look good useful" "here is Valley of the plum and easily can imagine"
Kitajima Maya is sure, it was your imagination to do from the usual anti-nature.
"Nothing more than imagination to understand the part of the North Island of Maya finally now"
To me there is something you do not even "...! Red Fairy is not given to you ""! "
Ako night and play with Ayumi Kazuma red-eye.
However, you can not see clearly the appearance of red-eye again.
Also look in the direction of Ayumi, red-eye, distant gaze.
What "... This eye! A mysterious look look mystic "" ...! "
The confusion are drawn to play the red-eye, Ayumi, the heat is muffled to acting.
Although there is no great movement, from the behavior of Ayumi has a quiet start, the mystique that hangs in the air.
Was a make you feel the presence of the goddess of the Spirit.
Practice of the Red Fairy had been made at that time Kuronuma set.
Kuronuma drama of flying. Sakurakoji acting on crutches. Convincing. Kuronuma praise "'re much better than previous Kazuma."
Maya appeared Ako night. Sakurakoji atmosphere to avoid, for the Maya.
Kazuma acting. "Why you are here eagle?"
Maya catch, the moment, the feeling is Sakurakoji Komori, was about to collapse is out crutches.
Go anywhere ""! 'S meet in the evening Ako "is unexpected will not!"
Show by "...! Show what I also received a true if Sakurakoji Kazuma-kun "" ...! "
Kuronuma two people stare.
Thanks to injuries ... Sakurakoji, grown as an actor is Maya Kitajima.
Trying to Uketomeyo conscious acting partner.
Catch of acting. In the play does not do alone, but the main thing.
Staff beside it? Kuronuma talk to.
Well so far the contents of the.
Summarized in one line.
"Thanks to blindness and fractures, two pairs of acting has changed" "fluke injury" (or a little different meaning?)
Or more.
Onodera also set to return to the stage.
Have continued to play for the Red Fairy Ayumi.
All drop Utako, the lighting. Perfect darkness.
Ayumi move, in the concentration of intensive training learned in the past. Sound judgment. The red-eye, align the chisel dropped pass.
Startle red-eye.
Utako, reveals the secrets of Ayumi finally about the eye.
Onodera to hesitate, to be put on the stage of Ayumi. However, with the enthusiasm of Ayumi some persuasion, he decided to leave towards this demonstration.
I can not replace the protagonist too late "...! There's demonstration of the Red Fairy Ayumi Himekawa "" ...! "
There is only a spear through "...! "
Kuronuma to set again.
At night. Practice end.
Alone, Maya-chan to go out of the rehearsal hall.
The river will flow. Sparkling skyscraper. Star in the sky.
Indulge in what I think.
"I have to return Peairuka pendant, Sakurakoji kun"
"Now is still useless until the end of the rehearsal demo"
And I think that Hayami's.
Mr. Hayami "...! Missy you want to see ""! "
I want to go to a villa of Izu as soon as possible "...! "
Seem like a dream come overnight on the ship of that.
Uh-uh "...! Come to mind that beautiful sky of dawn Close your eyes and even now "
And your big arm "...! "
Appearance of Masumaya hold each other tightly. Reintegrate. Reader service.
(By the way, arm and is expressed as "large", somehow ... I really feel great.
But would not image that is wrapped ...)
I'll be waiting for you I believe Mr. Hayami "...! "
Maya looked up the remnants of Masumi floating in the night sky.
Sakurakoji crutches that are far away at the sight.
On the other hand.
Masumi Hayami also was thinking of Maya villa in Izu.
Or cancel out the instructions while wedding with bookmarks to Mizuki.
Cheek dyed or is she saying "Give me also decorated with flowers now" (thinking of Maya comes Sun) to human management of the villa (? Or prepare early and greet the Maya) you have been cleaning.
Want to welcome you here in the form of "Maya, waiting for us" good "...! "
I think the Maya staring (I'm not in the glow probably) of the sunset sea, lovely Masumin.
But still ... about 3/1.
After this ... a little too much.
Anyway, will continue.
Ayumi has received the examination, of the eye.
"At this rate it may cause blindness"
The doctor recommended surgery as soon as possible. Ayumi is rejected, however.
"You had the surgery in the hospital After you have rehearsal"
Maybe it's too late. Serious gamble.
"I bet a miracle!"
Ayumi out of the hospital, walk the streets alone.
Unexpectedly, the surrounding scenery, which won vaguely like haze.
(Apparently I'm not always in a muddle always)
Ayumi close my eyes.
Conversation. Sound of the car. Ayumi flock to the flood of sound.
Signs of human work. Smell. Sound sound approach, away. Understand the sense of distance.
All right "...! I'll be æ¼” ...! "
Arrive at the new Tokyo studio theater company Ondine.
Dan'in we have, we go over the next voice to Ayumi.
Blurred not see very well.
Ayumi, while hear a wit in "performance look", go well decorated.
Sound of the camera flash. Ayumi instinctively turn around.
Husband! Long-awaited appearance Mr. (?) Hamill! (Decayed teeth ache ...) "My goddess I finally came back"
"I remember I asked is not" return the heel Ayumi.
Look at the pictures of Ayumi Hamill was left, was taken just now, notice something.
Third rehearsal. Instructed by the red-eye Onodera, Staff only. (For fear of the barrel of the eye that Ayumi) also denies coverage.
Performance practice of the Red Fairy Ayumi begins.
Some intimidating play. ... Zoku~tsu. Who played breathtaking.
"Athleticism as before but" not to be attracted "..."
"... I'll be æ¼” is æ¼”"
Shadow color, shape, and movement. Do not worry, understand. Also find expression in the breath.
Wind, fire, water, ... Sat.
Ayumi in acting, there was every appearance of nature.
Has gone out to deep acting than before "...! (Onodera by) "
Well, here again appeared Charahamiru. And because officials, invasion rehearsal.
Ayumin purpose is.
Ayumi Tsinghua, visibility of signs of stalker Hamill suddenly becomes dark. Surprised. Confusion.
At that time, the ax of Kazuma red-eye, it is Swung to Ayumi!
Ayumi is invisible!
Quite right ... ....
Red-eye, barely desperately to stop the ax.
Sense of urgency.
Ayumi red-eye, acting improvisation. Get out of trouble.
Had been taken care of before I knew the color of the shadows and around look vaguely human "...! "
Without careful "is ...! "
"Ayumi ...! "
Hamill Ayumi pewter stare. Also feel that something.
At night.
Hamill hotel room.
Check photos of Hamill, Ayumi was taken up to now. I feel something again.
Night for another day.
Ondine Ayumi practice studio. Break. Approach, Hamill.
Hold out the envelope containing the photos to Ayumi.
Ayumi retrieve each week. Not see very well.
'Facial expressions of Ayumi, ...! Very good "I show you slowly When you have finished training" Thank you "
"I do not have it in your photo? Thank you ..."
Hamill over the kiln.
Roof. Hamill & Ayumi. Conversation.
Your eyes have not seen the lens. Have not seen an ax. Looking at the photo shows it.
Ayumi draw closer to Hamill. "The doctor said what are you?"
"I is not related to you!"
"You're No subject my precious" (conventional phrases and words of Masumi is wearing)
Think that I would like to introduce to the world, you ....
Ayumi Hamill ask, because I am being æ¼” properly, and do not tell anyone about this.
"Let the Red Fairy. Perform the stage for me!"
"Ayumi ..."
Location changed.
Something a Western-style mansion somewhere. Auberge? Party like that (I do not know).
Hamill stroll garden. I think that Ayumi.
Madam Glamour Slender approach.
Two people talking to "Hi Playboy".
I just take her green apple like that why?
Ayumi I have to do something different with other actresses.
I still do not know me but somehow ... and it is.
Such a thing "is the first time. What attracts me is something of Ayumi ... "(to ensure early and wearing someone else's)
Is (sigh AquaM was getting tired of writing that Hamill) ー
The scene changes to the next also.
Rehearsal. Ayumi a person. Midnight.
Hamill drunk to feel good. Ayumi approaches.
Subject of "I Do What I would do good acting" was that concerned about you ""
I will give you ... convinced.
Ayumi, to put out the electricity to Hamill. Total darkness.
Ayumi, until you return to this section, in the darkness, saying that the move had a special training to rely on sound and vibration of air.
Ako night "'s show gotten you to your original kit" Please try to move with the intention was to Kazuma ""
Moving in Hamill, of darkness. Stumbled while walking or wooden box, it stops.
Footsteps "has stopped! "
... Hitahitahita. ... Hitahitahita.
Ayumi hear footsteps in the darkness.
"Hide and Seek unbiased you are Oshimai"
Voice "is approaching! "
"What think you? And miss listening to the footsteps of our night Ako is you" "give it immediately caught ..."
"Straight without hesitation"
Hamill will be grabbed clothes. Hamill put the writer at the same time.
Light of the writer to be lit.
Emerge, the face of Ako Ayumi night.
Indescribably lovely. Expression of maiden love. Softness.
Hamill, Dokkidokki.
Why turn off the writer.
Again in the darkness.
Pounding. Pounding.
Mara does not Hamill, has taken ... Dokkidokki.
This time during the day. Ish the next day.
Duo appeared in the press do something Usankusa.
Kanzuki have begun, a story about the eye of Ayumi.
Aim gossip. Ondine in front of the studio, or have to Dan'in Kikikomi.
Mr. Hamill has appeared again. Check to Dan'in, know about it.
Ondine in the building. Ayumi finished practice. After this, apparently planning to go to the examination of the eye.
Front of the elevator. The hand on the button will Norikomo.
Encounter with the "Haiayumi" Hamill. "Is not hurry me please Doi"
"I think other people are strange and not talking with me here" "This elevator is out of order because it is now"
Ayumi poster, did not appear in the failure.
Get off the railing on the stairs caught, you will notice that the eye told reporters waiting below.
(Apparently there is only one elevator)
Hamill takes a hand, "My name Ayumi will interrupt you for a date", Ayumi.
"I got love bamboozle the press"
Hamill Ayumi go down the stairs. Leaning on the arm that Ayumi, of Hamill. Two people are talking cheerfully.
How awful is copper good BracketName Ju Thame Muscatine Ayu mini Oshiete you want, when Mr. Hamill.
Even though a French conversation always seems to talk in Japanese. (Maybe because it 's balloon vertical)
Gossip reporters who had been waiting.
Ru tries to put Kke adoring coverage, (a play) the two people do something intimate. Like that of the eye was completely forgotten.
Reporters who chase a taxi, the two people of the car. Hamill, roll well.
Calm people at an promenade.
Two people talk. "There is a fear they would be better not to go to the hospital again today has been ahead"
Since yesterday I saw your smile "?" Why did you help me "..."
"Because you can monopolize your smiling face opposite that envy ..."
It is serious, "" Do not tease ""
It can not be helped "If you trouble" may be made to the scandal, and if you "..."
Hamirun confession.
"Today let's farewell here" "Please tell me the Japanese one day" "" je t'aime
Playboy Love Setsunaki Hamill.
Left alone, to light up a cigarette.
Probably why last night had put out the fire. Because I wanted to make this thing forever the beauty of the moment of that kit.
Suffice to these eyes in my heart.
Ayumi Ju Thame. Eye black fairy. (Which was a fairy, not the spirit)
I came to Japan I may have been to meet you ...
(Ju Thame application Hamill passed so quickly)
Or more.
Hen the end, "Hamill fell in love."
Was longer
Label: Betsuhana 48, Bidadari Merah, Garasu No kamen, Glass mask, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 11:25 PM 0 komentar
Garasu No Kamen 48 (Version 1)
kali ini benar-benar ngubek2 google buat dapetin spoilernya Topeng Kaca, setelah ngubek murasaki tempat biasanya dapetin info tentang Topeng Kaca tentang Maya chan dan Mayumi ternyata diblock (bisa dibilang gitu bahasanya) .... tetapi seperti kata pepatah dimana ada usaha disitu ada jalan #kira2 bener gak pepatahnya :D
setelah kulu kilir di google akhirnya menemukan blog yg posting spoiler atao review tentang Topeng Kaca 48, menemukan beberapa tetapi saya ambil dua saja untuk berbagi dengan pecinta Maya Chan dan Masumi :D, karena blognya dalam bahasa Jepang jd kita gunakan google translator ... paling tidak masih bisa dimengerti dan disambung menyambungkan setiap kalimatnya biar gak terlalu penasaran dengan kisah cinta Maya Chan dan masumi :D.
karena ada dua yang saya baca jadi saya namain aja Version 1 dan 2. Version 1 dibaca dari
Onodera team hold a press and party venue Kuronuma demonstration of "fairy" Red, at Theater X.
Leave the ruins of the old place was a station, receive an explanation without any props and stage sets, that is the minimum necessary lighting.
Said that the demonstration venue know that I chose the right person Tsukikage Chigusa, ability will be tried from that there is nothing to help me play, that is why I chose the stage when you have finished demonstration.
Sun is only a dress rehearsal for each group, also can not hide the confusion group also Onodera group Kuronuma the instructions in the moonlight.
I heard the thoughts and aspirations to the demonstration site to a reporter, Ayumi and just play the Red Fairy, regardless of any place of their own, says Maya looks interesting and like a role play of a child.
Giggles and I buy a make-believe play also reminded Kuronuma, to reporters and they do not know the house the situation and directing actors.
Is that the injury is Sakurakoji sympathy, and not be able to play decent reporter, but expression that seems to be spicy, empower Mayan grab the arm of Sakurakoji from the back.
Maya and Ayumi asked to shake hands, but I swear a good fight in front of everyone, please do not be afraid to hand Ayumi haze eyes, and hands they passed each other Maya.
Are asked whether to declare war reporter, and now can not compete, such as shaking hands with opponent, Ayumi will refuse to shake hands with the Maya.
Ayumi said to Maya, and absolutely will not lose by it, go on the counteroffensive.
Ayumi walked the ruins of the station remains, the same as Umenosato feel the wind.
So diminished that means, stop your feet and think what the image was visualized in the mind.
Kuronuma team and start talking to resemble what the line or home or When you walk the ruins, and to "pretend red fairy."
Kuronuma and a look at the Maya happily, to understand "pretend play" is Sakurakoji thing and play with the imagination.
Maya is convinced that æ¼” and the "Red Fairy" in the (ruins) Theater X.
Hayami is to visit the purple organization aims to suicide unstable, was visiting the Kyutei hawk every morning at 9:00.
Woven purple and say I ate eggs for breakfast porridge without leaving any waiting to enjoy the arrival of Hayami, a compliment from me is Hayami.
Hayami was also the middle of a hall Shiroizumi to bring a gift, is teased and pleased that Hayami and eat housekeeper, a relaxed air flows.
• Why is it like Masumi No (?
I come to visit us this way you do every morning is ...?
But you said marriage is not possible •
I feel the responsibility that come
Made from such a thing I •
• • • Us came this way so every morning
I so until it is ...
But ...!
You do not come anymore Kudasara feel better if I have no doubt ...!
Once again here that I feel better ...! )
Appeal to laugh at the sight Hayami Hayami is well woven and purple, Takamiya Okina is it just save the woven purple and you.
Say it has come through every morning from the sense of responsibility, but Hayami know, purple is not weave a pity to be alive to enjoy the visit only Hayami.
Takamiya Okina is suitable for all companies to the top of what people like Hayami Takamiya.
Marriage is good because that means complain and want the trail in the footsteps of an eagle.
Eisuke learned that the old man from Takamiya, Hayami has refused to ask the old man by phone Takamiya, Hayami says that go against what someone says can not be yourself, and say that his Kikaseru to Hayami.
Eisuke Hayami was suspicious that the marriage has also declined with the purple organization, also talk that all companies take over the top spot of the house hawk ask that you know something is not Mizuki.
Why did you break off with Oh, and purple. Enough to destroy the original and speaking engagement "is is ...?
(Put) in the other person likes to Masumi Masaka • • •?
But until the rise of up to shake the story of Masumi blockhead work-ray of such a thing-! ?
Raren thought ...! Such a thing is impossible ...!
But it now does only think ...!
Mizuki idea is, whether or not you who I
Masumi presence of women, such as that drawn heart is ...? "
"No, that any private ..."
Or "Yes ...!
Me to explore such women do not have a future in the affairs of Masumi
I hope! Mizuki you ...! "
Is the story of the provisional chairman Hayami • • • "
What happens if I Irassha~tsu last serving of sake Nasaru Masumi like if such a woman? "
Decided to take "!
No matter what I do to break • Bukkake! "
When asked in a round-trip and hotel company, and occasionally go back home Why do not the driver, Hayami answer (anymore) and not go home.
Father-in-law's tail (• • •! I defy you the first time in my life ...!
I should not, such as the way you want your already ...! )
Appendix of this month's issue (write a note to Mr. Hayami white tuxedo) Masumi Hayami white tuxedo Memo Pad
Next issue is "Maya the eye injury is ... Ayumi?"
Appendix of the next issue of the teacher is in clear moonlight black wife files.
Since this time thought I was still Ayumi and Hamill's turn, are lucky to have seen Mr. Hayami and Maya-chan!
Hopefully thing, want to see the place of two people together soon.
Concern is that I do not do not try to hard Hayami is Hanaso hand woven purple.
To Eisuke, I'll think of that when the opponent has had Hayami Barre, named Eisuke Can I Do with it what is.
It may not be to talk with the problem is resolved quickly, ~ I want to see the face of two people to be happy soon! !
Has been updated thanks of applause
Label: Betsuhana 48, Bidadari Merah, Garasu No kamen, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 10:42 PM 1 komentar