
Sunday, August 23, 2009

You Came To Me by Sami Yusuf

New Track Sami Yusuf dlm rangka bulan Ramadhan, track ini bisa di donlod gratis di website Sami Yusuf, mumpung gratis, soalnya nanti klo dah dlm bentuk album gak bisa gratis lagi dan harus dibayar pake Poundsterling ato Dollar US klo di jadiin rupiah berapa tuch ... lumayan mahal booo ... Di websitenya Sami Yusuf bisa donlod dalam beberapa versi bahasa yaitu English, Arabic, Farsi, Turkish. Kali ini doi gabung sm produksi ETMinternational, jadi sebelum video aslinya ditarik sm Production housenya dari youtube, jadi harus donlod videonya jg ... hehehehe ...

You Came To Me
by Sami Yusuf

You came to me in that hour of need
When I was so lost, so lonely
You came to me, took my breath away
Showed me the right way, the way to lead
You filled my heart with love, showed me the light above
Now all I want is to be with you
You are my one true love, taught me to never judge
Now all I want is to be with you

Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina mustafa
‘ala habibika nabiika mustafa
Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina mustafa
‘ala habibika nabiika mustafa

You came to me in the time of despair
I called onto you, you were there
Without you what would my life be
Not know the unseen, the worlds between
For you I’d sacrifice, for you I’d give my life
Anything just to be with you
I feel so lost that times by all the hurt and lies
Now all I want is to be with you

Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina mustafa
‘ala habibika nabiika mustafa
Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina mustafa
‘ala habibika nabiika Mustafa

Showed me right from wrong
Told me to be strong
Need you more than ever
ya Rasulullah

You came to me in that hour of need
Need you more than ever
ya Rasulullah

You filled my heart with love, showed me the light above‎..
Now all I want is to be with you
You are my one true love, taught me to never judge
Now all I want is to be with you

Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Mustafa
‘Ala habibika nabiyika Mustafa
Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Mustafa
‘Ala habibika nabiyika Mustafa


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lima Kewajiban Muslimah

Seorang Muslimah mempunyai lima kewajiban, yaitu :

1. Wajibat Diniyah
kewajiban terhadap agama, menegakkan Islam diatas segala - galanya dan memperbanyak ibadah.

2. Wajibat Saksiyah
Kewajiban terhadap pribadinya, memperbaharui ruh, membersihkan hati dan sifat - sifat tercela, menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan.

3. Wajibat Baitiyah
Kewajiban Rumah tangga, menunaikan setiap hak dari suami dan menunaikan hak dan kewajiban sebagai ibu.

4. Wajibat Istima'iyah
kewajiban terhadap masyarakat, ikut serta berperan aktif dalam masyarakat dalam kegiatan sosial.

5. Wajibat Wathoniyah
kewajiban terhadap negara


Ikuuuut yuuuuks ........