We’re at Hayami’s before dawn
Masumi had been searching through internet info about mental illness for all the nigh and after he read the possible causes of this illness he breaks the glass he had on his hand on the table.
He also gave Mizuki some specific instructions and, seeing it’s time to go to work, he goes to get a shower and dresses with a suit.
He goes down for breakfast where he appears refreshed and more relaxed on his face, so that Eisuke asks him :”what’s the matter? You have a more relaxed face, did you make any resolution?”
Masumi replies “yes”
Eisuke:”then I’m glad. shiori-san is such a sensitive woman, you’re a lucky man, although you didn’t want to have wedding, now you’ll be able to put your hands on the top seat of the takamiya’s enterprises”
Masumi: “yes, father. Now I’d like you to understand these two things: first I’ll be absent from work for a while. Even if I’ll be absent I gave Mizuki detailed instructions so that there won’t be any problems and I’ll be back for the important meetings and to sign the contracts. Last Iwon’t live at home but in a hotel in Tokyo during this time, later some of my co-worker will come to take my stuff, is that ok father?”
Eisuke:”what does it mean? You have no other interests than work and now you want to rest? Masumi?!”
Masumi:”I’m going to leave this house and I’ll go to and back from Takamiya’s house for a while”
Eisuke: ”I see.. and till when?”
Masumi: “I don’t know… it depends on how long Shiori san wants it”
Eisuke: ”I see... this is such an important time, you want to be near to shiori who suffered so much because of you.. what a praiseworthy fiancĂ© you are… make her grandpa love you, do your best Masumi!”
Masumi: ”Thanks father”
Then he thinks ”father, I won’t follow your orders anymore…”
The scene changes we’re now at the Kids Studio where after a deep training in the morning they are having lunch and are handing out the lunch boxes. A member of the staff call for sakurakoji so that he take his box, Maya gets up to take it instead of sakurakoji but he ignores her and goes to take it on his own. Usually they have lunch together but not this time.
Maya goes to the river to eat his lunch box and wonders what happened to sakurakoji ”Is that possible he’s ignoring me?”
Kuronuma sees all this happening and calls Maya to eat together showing off his yakisoba bread to maya instead of her two onigiri. The truth is that he wants t understand what happened between Maya and Sakurakoji.
She tells him about when she told Sakurakoji to go back on his own, then she explains that she went onboard because of the check but… kuronuma realizes she’s hiding something so he do some researches and finds out that Maya and Masumi spent both that night on the cruise ship.
In the meanwhile is at Takamiya’s house into shiori’s room. She’s still here tearing the roses so he grabs the rose she’s holding into his hands and takes it away form her forcedly.
Shiori’s maids are shocked because of his behaviour but he insists ordering them to throw away all the roses in that room. He insists that they have to ”throw away them all!”
As the maids obey shiori looks at Masumi and asks him ”Who are you? Why have you got such a violent behaviour?”
Masumi:”I’m Hayami Masumi and I was your finacè”
Shiori:”No, It’s not true, Masumi-sama is a more sweet man. He’s always ready to grant all my wishes, always smiling, you can’t be Masumi-sama!”
Masumi: ”No, this is the real me. Look at it carefully. I shout loud and if it is because of work I use every dirty means to obtain what I want, even lying shamelessly. The Masumi you’re searching for doesn’t exist, it’s just your imagination…”
Then he grasps her and makes her get off the bed.
“come on wake up! Stop locking all you have got in your heart!”
Takamiya’s grandpa arrives shouting “why are you using such violence! Masumi-kun?! Shiori is sick and weak and yet you…”
“Thus is why I want to make her heal!”Masumi shouts too ”If she’s ill because of me I can make her be well but she needs to have strength to live, if she doesn’t have it from now on she’ll be ill every time she suffer, Is that alright for you?”
”Masumi-kun are you scolding me?”
”Yes, because if Shiori grew up considered weak it’s because of you! You’re responsible!”
“Because of her health you spoiled and pampered her, always protected from pains, this is how she grew up, keeping away all the bad things, she didn’t learn anything from life!”
“Masumi-kun, you’re cheeky, how do you dare to reply in such a way…”
“Yes… I’m ill-mannered and violent, thus I can’t marry your precious daughter”
“Rmember that Mr Takamiya! I’m not like my father, I don’t care about your money or about the position you offer me, the more if it is because of a marriage. Do you think a man like me would make Shiori happy?
What I can do right now is trying to open her heart and give her the strength to face the truth!”
He opens the curtains, the sun is shining and the garden is full of flowers. Shiori looks at the setting while he keeps talking ”it’s such a wonderful day that is a waste being closed in a room”
Then he describes the nature outside…
Shiori face seems to came back to her senses, she looks at Masumi and tells
The maids and her grandpa rejoice, then she looks at her wrists for the first time and starts crying falling slowly on the floor.
The scenes changes to the kids studio where the rehearsals keep going on.
Kuronuma gives the hatchet to Sakurakoji who takes it with one hand (while he keeps the crutches with the other hand) and because it is heavy his hand trembles.
Kuronuma says
”Kitajima go there and act as the plum tree soul, now we’ll act the scene where sakurakoji cuts the plum tree as Isshin…”
Kuronuma wants to have a big impact of reality into this scene to involve the audience. On the top of the pyramid we have Maya while sakurakoji is at the bottom…
Source : murasaki-no-bara-no-yume.glass-mask.forumfree.it
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Betsuhana Ch 25
Label: Betsuhana ch25, Bidadari Merah, Glass mask, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 11:31 AM 4 komentar
Betsuhana Chapter 24
** Tempat Latihan Kuronuma **
Sakurakoji berakting pada adegan di mana ia bertarung sampai hampir tidak bisa berdiri. Kuronuma memerintahkan aktor lain untuk merasa tidak takut menyerang Isshin, jadi dia, meskipun ragu-ragu melakukan serangan dan sakurakoji menanggapi serangan nya menggunakan kruk-nya. Dia menyerang kaki aktor lain dengan kruk sehingga membuat dia jatuh. Kuronuma memuji bagaimana mereka serius saat tarung.
Kemudian Akoya tiba dan berusaha mendekati Isshin mencoba untuk membantu tapi sakurakoji mendorong tangannya.
Ada adegan keseluruhan antara sakurakoji sebagai Isshin dan Maya sebagai Akora, kemudian Isshin jatuh dan Akoya memegang sisinya. Mereka berakting adegan dimana Isshin pergi menemui Akoya dan Akoya memohon "jangan tinggalkan aku lagi". Pemain lain terkejut dan memperhatikan bagaimana penafsiran mereka lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Sementara Maya berpikir "aku akan menerimanya! Jika itu dari sakurakoji, aku akan menerima apapun Isshin "
Mereka beristirahat 25 menit dan semua orang memuji sakurakoji.
Maya menatapnya dari kejauhan dg senang kemudian ia pergi ke belakang ruang latihan dan berpikir "aku harus mengembalikan kalung lumba-lumba ... tapi aku tidak bisa melakukannya sekarang! Saya tidak bisa memberikan itu kepadanya sampai kami selesai latihan untuk Bidadari Merah! Hayami-san ... aku ingin bertemu denganmu ... aku bisa merasakan garis Akoya di dalam diriku.. masing-masing dari mereka memiliki arti yang berbeda sekarang ... Aku punya perasaan hangat meresap dalam diriku. Sekarang sepertinya aku merasa bahwa apa yang terjadi dalam pelayaran itu hanya mimpi ... tidak.., tidak... apa yang terjadi di jembatan ponton di bawah langit fajar merah rasanya masih di depan mataku, di telingaku. Bahwa merahnya matahari pagi, gelombang, perasaan Akoya menjadi perasaanku, jalan Akoya menjadi jalanku, Hayami-san, Si MawarUngu, aku akan menunggu ... aku akan menunggumu"
Dari jauh Sakurakoji melihat Maya yang sedang melamun dan berucap "Maya-chan ..."
**Perusahaan Daito**
Mizuki sedang berjalan ... orang-orang yang melihat dia bertanya apa yang dia lakukan dan mengapa dia ada di sana pada waktu itu, dia meminta maaf kepada mereka dia terburu-buru, dia janji dan sehingga dia pergi meninggalkan petugas yang masih terkejut.
Lalu ia mengambil mobil dan mendesak sopir untuk ngebut. Di dalam mobil dia ingat apa yang terjadi beberapa hari lalu ketika Masumi mengatakan bahwa kemungkinan dia bersalah pada keluarga Takamiya.
Dia berpikir apa pun tetapi apa yang telah Masumi lakukan!
Beberapa saat sebelum dia keluar dari kantor kakek Shiori dia menanyakan apa yang terjadi, Apakah Shiori benar-benar mencoba bunuh diri? Tapi dia begitu bahagia tentang pernikahan ... Mengapa ia melakukan itu? Mizuki menjawab bahwa Masumi telah membatalkan pertemuan dengan wedding planner.
Apakah dia benar-benar berpikir untuk membatalkan pernikahan?
**Rumah Takamiya**
Di rumah keluarga Takamiya terjadi pertemuan antara Masumi dan Eisuke dengan orangtua Shiori.
Sepertinya Shiori habis dia diperiksa oleh dokter spesialis karena ia menolak untuk berbicara dan tampaknya hatinya telah sangat terluka. Mereka hanya tahu dari staf restoran bahwa dia terluka (tapi mereka tidak tahu kalau itu perbuatannya sendiri)
Masumi murung dan hanya bisa mengatakan "Saya minta maaf"
Eisuke juga merasa bersalah dan menambahkan dia bertanggung jawab karena ia tidak mengawasi mereka.
Orang tua Shiori dengan mata berkaca-kaca menyalahkan Masumi dan terutama pada eisuke karena dia adalah orang pertama yang ingin pernikahan terjadi. Kemudian mereka bertanya kepada Masumi apa yang Masumi katakan sehingga Shiori menjadi seperti itu mengingat betapa sabar Shiori menunggu hari pernikahan mereka ...
Masumi menjawab "Aku mengatakan padanya aku tidak bisa membuatnya bahagia"
Dan orangtuanya "Lalu mengapa kau menerima pertunangan? Apakah kau menyadari betapa banyak kau melukai Shiori? Sejak kecil karena kesehatannya dia tidak punya teman dan dia mulai merasa senang ketika ia bertemu kau ... sekarang datang ... datang dan lihat Shiori "
Mereka pergi ke kamarnya dan Masumi tertegun saat melihat kamar Shiori. Kamar itu dipenuhi dengan mawar ungu.
Pelayan nya berkata "Meskipun dia tidak menyukai mawar ungu tetapi dia membeli semua mawar ungu dan mengelilinginya tapi ..."
Shiori terus mengulangi "Masumi-sama membenci saya ... saya benar-benar benci mawar ungu ... Masumi-sama membenci saya ... saya benar-benar benci mawar ungu ... Aku ingin mereka semua mati ... terbawa angin ..."
Orang tua Shiori yang terus menyalahkan Masumi mengatakan kepadanya untuk melihat dengan cermat: bahwa itu adalah Shiori.
"Masumi-sama membenci saya ... saya benar-benar benci mawar ungu ... mereka semua harus layu ... Masumi-sama membenci saya ... saya benar-benar benci mawar ungu ... Ayo angin dan bawa mereka pergi ... mereka semua harus layu"
Masumi serius tertegun.
Kemudian kakek Takamiya itu berlutut dan memohonnya untuk menikahi cucunya, bahwa ia akan melakukan apa pun sehingga Masumi akan menikahinya ... Dia akan mengklaim Masumi penggantinya dan ia akan memberikan semua warisannya Shiori, ia memohon Masumi untuk menyelamatkan cucunya.
Sementara itu Mizuki tiba. Masumi bertanya mengapa dia datang ke sana dan Eisuke menjawab dia yang memanggil Mizuki. Kemudia dia mengatakan semua sudah siap, ia telah membuat rencana baru untuk pernikahan mereka, untuk bulan madu mereka dan seterusnya. Dia kemudian membuat kakek Shiori yang berdiri dan meminta maaf mengatakan kepadanya bahwa semua itu karena Masumi adalah workaholic. Kemudian dia pergi di samping putranya dan menyuruh Masumi untuk menikahi Shiori, itu perintahnya.
Masumi mengingat semua saat Eisuke memerintahkan dia sejak dia masih kecil.
"Jangan 'pergi dekat kamar itu, itu perintah ... bawakan hak cipta Bidadari Merah, itu perintah ... habisi musuh, itu perintah ..."
Mereka berdua kembali ke rumah dan sementara Eisuke bersulang, Masumi minum sendiri ke kamarnya.
"Ayah, saya tidak akan pernah lagi menuruti perintahmu. Hak cipta Bidadari Merah yang Ayah inginkan ... aku akan memiliki dan menjaga mereka. Aku akan sabar menunggu sampai hari itu datang dan kemudian saya harus meninggalkan nama saya, tapi mungkin ... 'hari itu' akan datang lebih cepat dari yang saya perkirakan.
Tapi Shiori ... apa yang terjadi padanya adalah karena aku ... sebagai manusia, sebagai laki-laki ... Ini karena aku ... Maya ... "
Lalu ia membuang gelas dan meletakkan tangannya di atas meja
Adegan perubahan Maya yang akting di bagian belakang ruang latihan ... "Aku akan menunggumu, kau memiliki hatiku ... dll"
Dia meneteskan air mata sementara kuronuma menatapnya dalam bayang-bayang.
Label: Betsuhana, Bidadari Merah, Glass mask, Manga, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 11:23 AM 1 komentar
Betsuhana Ch24 (English Version)
setelah lama2 nyari lanjutan Bidadari Merah akhirnya menemukan jg walopun dalam bentuk summary lanjutan Bidadari merah namanya Betsuhana... biasanya baca di http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifwww.topengkacaku.com (tapi cuma sampe Betsuhana ch 22) dan topengkacaindo.blogspot.com
setelah searching akhirnya menemukan summary ch 24, yang ch 23 katanya lebih membahas tentang Ayumi... karena pengen tau kelanjutan kisah Maya Kitajima dan Masumi Hayami makanya bacanya loncat ke ch 24 hehehehe :))
versi englishnya dapet dari sini
We’re at Korunoma’s cast rehearsals. Sakurakoji is acting on the scene where he fights mu he barely can stand. Kuronuma order the other actor to feel not afraid and to attack Isshin, so he, although hesitates do attack and sakurakoji respond to his attacks using his crutches. He gets the actor’s leg with the crutch thus making him fall. Kuronuma praises how they were serious while fighting.
Then Akoya arrives and gets near to Isshin trying to help him but sakurakoji push her hand away.
There’s a whole scene between sakurakoji acting as Isshin and Maya acting as Akora, then he (as Isshin) falls down and her (as akoya) holds his side. They’re acting the scene where Isshin went to see Akoya and Akoya, understanding it begs him “don’t’ leave me anymore”. The other members of the cast are surprised and notice how their interpretation is way more better than before. In the meanwhile Maya thinks “I’ll accept it! If it is from sakurakoji, I’ll accept any Isshin”
They take a 25 minutes break and everybody goes to praise sakurakoji.
Maka looks at him form afar happy then she goes to the back of the practice room and thinks “I have to give him the dolphin necklace back but… but I can’t do it right now! I can’t give it to him until we’ll end the rehearsals for the Crimson Goddess! Hayami-san… I want to see you… I can feel Akoya’s lines in me.. each one of them has now a different meaning… I have this warm feeling permeating in me. Right now It seems to me that what happened into the cruise was only a dream… no, no. what happened on the pontoon bridge under the breaking dawn red sky is still in front of my eyes, in my ears. That orange sun, the waves, Akoya’s feelings becoming my very feelings, Akoya’s lines becoming my very lines, Hayami-san, purple rose fan, I’ll be waiting trusting you… I’ll be waiting for you”
From afar Sakurakoji looks at Maya who’s absent-minded and thinks ”Maya-chan…”
We’re at Daito enterprises now and we can see Mizuki running… people who see her ask her what she’s doing and why she’s there at that time, she apologizes telling them she’s in a hurry, she has an appointment and so she leaves while the clerk stays there surprised.
Then she takes the car and urges the chauffeur to harry on. Inside the car she remembers what happened a few days ago when Masumi told her that it was likely he would have wronged the Takamiya family. (this part is only in volume 47)
She thought anything but what he did!
A few moment before she went out the office Shiori’s grandfather called asking what the hell happened, Did Shiori really attempt suicide? But she was so happy about the wedding… Why did she do that? Mizuki had answered telling him that Masumi had cancelled the meeting with the wedding planner.
Is he really thinking to cancel the wedding?
At takamiya’s we see Masumi and Eisuke with Shiori’s parents.
It seems that since shiori was discharged she has been monitored by a specialist because she refuses to speak and it seems her heart has been deeply hurt. They only know form the restaurant staff that she was injured (but they don’t know it was herself)
Masumi has a dark face and can only say ”I’m sorry”
The same goes for Eisuke who adds he’s responsible because he didn’t follow them closely.
Shiori’s parents with teary eyes put the blame on Masumi and especially on eisuke because he was the first one who wanted the wedding. Then they ask Masumi what he told her so that she became like that considering how eagerly she was waiting for their wedding day…
Masumi replies ”I told her I can’t make her happy”
And her parents ”Then why did you accept the engagement? Do you realize how much you hurt Shiori? Since she was a child because of her state of health she had no friends and she started to feel happy when she met you…now come… come and see Shiori”
They go to her room and Masumi is dumbstruck on seeing Shiori’s room.
It’s filled with purple roses.
Her waitress comments ”Even if she hates them she made all the florists bring her the purple roses and surround her but…”
Shiori keeps repeating ”Masumi-sama hates me… I really hate purple roses… Masumi –sama hates me… I really hate purple roses… I wish them all die… carried away by the wind…”
Shiori’s parents keep on blaming Masumi telling him to watch carefully: that one is Shiori.
”Masumi-sama hates me… I really hate purple roses… they all must wither… Masumi-sama hates me… I really hate purple roses… Come the wind and take them away… they all must wither”
Masumi is seriously dumbstruck.
Then Takamiya’s grandfather kneels down and begs him to marry his niece, that he would do anything so that Masumi would marry her… He would claim Masumi his successor and he’ll give Shiori all his inheritance, he begs Masumi to save his niece.
In the meanwhile Mizuki arrives. Masumi asks why she came there and Eisuke replies he’s the one who called her.then he say’s all is ready, he has made new plans for their wedding, for their honeymoon and so on. He then makes shiori’s grandpa stand up and apologizes telling him that it all was because Masumi is a workaholic. Then he goes next to his son and orders Masumi to marry Shiori, that’s his order.
Masumi reminds all the times Eisuke ordered him since he was a child.
”Don’t’ go near that room, it’s an order… bring me the Crimson Goddess copyrights, it’s an order… eliminate the enemies, it’s an order…”
They both go back home and while Eisuke toasts, Masumi is drinking alone into his room.
”father, I’ll never again obey to your orders. The Crimson Goddess copyrights you desire… I’ll have and keep them. I thounght I would have been able to wait patiently for that day to come and then I would have abandon my name, but maybe… ‘that day’ has come sooner than I expected it.
But shiori… what happened to her is because of me… as human being, as a men… It’s because of me… Maya…”
Then he throws away the glass and puts his hand on the table
The scene changes to Maya who’s acting her lines in the back of the practice room…”I’ll be waiting or you, you have my heart… etc”
She is moved to tears while kuronuma looks at her in the shadows.
versi Indonesianya akan diposting setelah ini ;)
Label: Betsuhana, Bidadari Merah, Glass mask, Manga, Topeng Kaca
Diposkan oleh Norma Puspita di 11:05 AM 0 komentar