
Monday, January 19, 2009

Song For Palestine from Sami Yusuf

Hari ini dapat up date dari facebook dari pagesnya Sami Yusuf, sebetulnya bukan hari ini tapi dah beberapa hari kemaren tapi karena gak bisa dibuka, soalnya biasanya saya pake firefox, tadi dicoba buka Linknya Sami Yusuf dari Internet Explorer, Alhamdulillah akhirnya bisa juga. Update-nya tentang Album terbaru Sami Yusuf 'Without You'. Dan ada salah satu track lagunya Sami Yusuf untuk Palestine yang downloadnya gratis, so Lagunya legal. Tapi pengen punya Album terbarunya Sami Yusuf, sayangnya di Indonesia belum ada. Album Al-Mu'allim aja dapat di sebuah toko kecil di Pelosok Bengkulu, itu juga karena sang pemilik toko belinya diluar. Kalo ada yang jual disini pasti dech langsung pesan satu (hehehe.......).
Downloadnya disini ato ke, tapi di ini harus register dulu.


Written and produced by Sami Yusuf

Mother don't cry for me I'm doing what I must
God almighty is my witness that I trust

Palestine, Forever Palestine

Children being killed for throwing stones in the sky
They say to their parents "Don't worry, God is on our side"

Palestine, Forever Palestine

Mother don't worry when they come for us at night
Surely, they'll be sorry when God puts them right
Tell me why they're doing what was done to them
Don't they know that God is with the oppressed and needy
Perished were the nations that ruled through Tyranny

Palestine, Forever Palestine

Children of Palestine are fighting for their lives
They say to their parents "We know that, Palestine is our right"
They say to their parents "We'll fight for what is right"
They say "not to worry, God is on our side"
They say "we'll die for Palestine"

Palestine, Forever Palestine


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Ikuuuut yuuuuks ........